Retraining of plants part 2

If you have read the first post about retraining, this is the next one. Now the plants will continue to increase in pot size and this is the last repotting before they go out into the greenhouse or into the final pot. This also applies to tomatoes and cucumbers +++ The first thing I do is add soil, here about 45 litres. The soil I use here is from a local landfill where they grind up organic material and compost it. They add some sand to the soil. I am very happy with peat-free soil. After filling, I dissolve all...
Guano and the environment

Guano and the environment Did you know that Guano collected from bats enriches the soil with micro-bacteria? Unlike artificial fertilizers and other plant nutrients, Guano will enrich and improve the soil, not deplete it. Guano is collected from bats and sent by boat as one of the most environmentally friendly shipping methods. The product is completely natural and far less polluting than similar products made artificially, and no animals have to suffer or live in captivity to extract the fertiliser. Facts about Guano: Bat Guano is a high-quality organic fertilizer for all plants that contains nitrogen, potassium and important microbes...
How did chili

How did chili The easiest thing in the chili world is to sow chili. All that is needed are seeds, soil, heat and moisture. Nature takes care of the rest. But to be successful, there are several factors that come into play, whether you get green little sprouts out of the ground, or end up with rotten seeds buried in the ground. In this article, we will try and help you get started with your chili in the best possible way. Chilli cultivation Seed When you are going to get seeds for chili, you should buy from safe dealers, established...
An introduction to DWC

The vast majority of people have heard of a cultivation method that is based only on a nutrient solution, without soil. In technical terms, this is Hydroponics, where the plants are grown directly in water without soil. Hydroponics is big business. Much of the romaine, crisp and heart salad you buy is often grown hydroponically. But more and more large nurseries and vegetable producers see the advantage of growing hydroponically. You get bigger crops, stronger plants, more energy efficiently and not least, up to 70% faster growth! But we will not deal with large water baths with hundreds of thousands...
Retraining Chili - Part 1

Retraining the chili is an important part of the process. It has been repeatedly proven that a chilli plant gets bigger the bigger the pot it is in. Actually, this is a very simple step in the process, but very important and medium time consuming. First retraining: When the plants have got their real leaves in your medium it is time to move them over to proper soil and get a little more room to build up the roots. Normally I tend to plant them up to 3-4 times before they go out in the spring. It is natural to...