Produced on Norwegian-grown red African Naga and Cayenne. This is a medium/strong chili sauce that suits most dishes. Extremely good on e.g. pizza, tacos and Indian food. Can be used for most of the grilling season as it is not particularly fruity, but has a sweet and sour aroma with a hint of tomato. African Naga is a tasty chili that dominates a lot and can remind a little of Habanero. But it is not as strong as its other namesake "Naga". The paprika and chilli are baked in the oven until the skin comes off to bring out all the good flavours. Contents: African Naga, Cayenne, Tomatoes, Paprika, Papaya, Lime, Onion, Garlic, Cummin, Salt, Pepper, Stevia, Water and Apple Vinegar. 100 ml
Produced on Norwegian grown red African Naga and Cayenne pepper. The sauce is a medium/hot sauce that is suitable for most common dishes. However, its produced with intentions of use on pizza, tacos and Indian food. It's also good for spicing up BBQ food. The sauce is not fruity in taste, but has a sweet and sour taste with a hint of tomato. African Naga is a tasty chili with a dominant flavor and smell, which can remind somewhat of the classic habanero. It´s not as hot as it others Naga brothers. The bell pepper and chillies are baked in the oven to extract the taste. Ingredients: African Naga, Cayenne, Tomatoes, Bell Pepper, Papaya, Lime, Onion, Garlic, Cumin, Salt, Stevia, Water and Apple Vinegar. 100 ml.